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Anatomische wandplaten

Laminated/50x67cm (VRL)

  • Ideal for training, patient education and medical studies!
  • Printed on high-quality photographic paper in 50 x 67 cm poster size.
  • This anatomical chart is thickly laminated.
  • UV resistant paper and comes with 2 sided lamination (75 micron).
  • Can be written on and wiped off with non permanent markers.
  • The 125 micron lamination ensures the chart does not curl up at the edges.
  • The UV treatment ensures the chart does not get a faded yellow color over time.

  • Overzicht

    3B - Alcohol Dependence Chart VRL

    The abuse of alcohol can cause many physical and psychological damages. Detailed anatomy illustrations show the effects of alcohol on the organs of the human body. Alcohol dependence is a serious problem and this poster can help educate people about it.
    57.763B000 Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - Allergies Chart VRL

    This colorful anatomical chart details the different types of allergies. From pollen, to bug bites, to drug allergies this anatomy poster is full of educational information. Look at allergies from a microscopic point of view!
    57.653B000 Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - Alzheimer's Disease Chart VRL

    This colorful anatomical poster details Alzheimer's disease. The causes, diagnosis, and effects of the disease are discussed on this chart. The anatomy poster includes important information about the stages of Alzheimer's and available treatments.
    57.633B000 Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - Arthritis Chart VRL

    This anatomical chart is full of information about arthritis. The chart tells what arthritis is, effects, treatments, and arthritis therapy.
    57.43B0000 Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - Breastfeeding Chart VRL

    This colorful anatomical chart illustrates the basic anatomy of human breastfeeding. Important information about breastfeeding, including its benefits, are presented. The anatomy chart is complete with detailed instructions on the use of a breast pump.
    57.553B000 Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - Cholesterol Chart VRL

    This colorful anatomical chart illustrates the effects of high cholesterol. The molecular structure of cholesterol and other related compounds are included. The anatomy chart shows different diseases associated with cholesterol and the anatomical effects on organs.
    57.463B000 Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - COPD Chart - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease VRL

    This colorful anatomical chart displays the signs, symptoms and other useful information of COPD or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Radiographs and illustrations are used to show the anatomy of the disease on this poster.
    57.283B000 Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - Diabetes Mellitus Chart VRL

    This anatomical chart details the disease diabetes. The poster tells about the causes and effects of the disease as well as going over treatments for diabetes. This anatomy chart is a great diabetes teaching tool for a classroom or doctors office.
    57.443B000 Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - Diseases of the Middle Ear Chart VRL

    This colorful anatomical chart covers the diseases of the middle ear. The poster covers topics such as changes in anatomy due to disease as well as the form and function of the middle ear.
    57.203B000 Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - Female Breast Chart - Anatomy, Pathology and Self-Exami

    This colorful anatomical chart covers the anatomy, pathology, and self-examination of the human female breast. The anatomy of breast pathology is shown in this poster along with useful information about different types of breast lumps that can occur. The self-examination illustrations are accompanied with detailed written instructions.
    57.543B000 Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - Foot and Joints of Foot Chart - Anatomy and Pathology

    This colorful anatomical poster illustrates the anatomy of the foot and joints of the foot. The poster also details some common pathologies of the foot and foot joints.
    57.123B000 Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - Hand and Wrist Chart - Anatomy and Pathology VRL

    This anatomical chart depicts the anatomy and pathology of the hand and wrist in bright colors. The poster presents the wrist in anatomical detail while reviewing common pathologies that can affect the area.
    57.93B0000 Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - Headaches Chart VRL

    This colorful anatomical poster details Headaches. Related anatomy of the human head is shown in full detail in this poster. The chart includes information about causes of headaches and different types of headaches.
    57.693B000 Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - Hepatitis Chart VRL

    This colorful anatomical chart presents important information about hepatitis A, B, and C. The transmission, clinical signs, and some treatments are covered. The effect of hepatitis on internal organs such as the liver are detailed in this anatomy poster.
    57.433B000 Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - Human Brain Chart VRL

    This poster of the human brain is a colorful and informative addition to any lecture on the human brain. The chart features images of the brain from several angles and sections.
    57.583B000 Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - Human Ear Chart VRL

    This anatomical chart details the anatomy of the inner, outer, and middle ear.
    57.173B000 Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - Human Eye Chart VRL

    This colorful anatomical chart is a representation of the human eye. The poster reviews the anatomy and function of the human eye.
    57.153B000 Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - Human Muscle Chart VRL

    This colorful anatomical chart illustrates the human muscular system in full detail. Every part of the human body's muscular system is labeled in this detailed anatomy poster.
    57.23B0000 Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - Human Skeleton Chart VRL

    This colorful anatomical poster details all the parts of the human skeleton. The anatomy of the skeleton is labeled on a realistic picture and makes for an easy study of the bones of the body.
    57.13B0000 Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - Human Skull Chart VRL

    This colorful anatomical chart illustrates the human skull in full detail. This thickly laminated anatomical chart is a wonderful depiction of the detailed anatomy of the human skull and allows for multiple views of the human skull. All bones and anatomical landmarks of the human skull are outlined in full detail including the bones of the inner ear.
    57.63B0000 Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - Hypertension Chart VRL

    This colorful anatomical chart presents useful information about hypertension. The effects of hypertension on organs of the human body are also shown on the poster as well as things to avoid and things to do to help hypertension.
    57.333B000 Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - Kidney Chart VRL

    This colorful anatomical chart depicts the human kidneys in detail. The basic function and anatomy of the kidneys are included. The poster also gives information on some common pathologies of the kidney.
    57.483B000 Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - Liver Chart VRL

    The anatomy of the human liver and its location in the body is detailed in this colorful anatomical chart. The anatomy of related organs are displayed along with the liver. This poster is a great tool for teaching the role of the liver in the human body.
    57.393B000 Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - Lymphatic System Chart VRL

    This colorful anatomical chart details the human lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is shown in the context of the rest of the organs and every important part is labeled for easy study. The detailed anatomy of an individual lymph node is also illustrated on the poster.
    57.373B000 Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - Nervous System Chart VRL

    This anatomical poster of the human nervous system comes in colorful detail. The poster details the entire human nervous system including the human brain and spinal cord. The labeled poster of the anatomy of the nervous system is a great addition to any doctor's office or classroom and is a valuable tool for patient education
    57.593B000 Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - Nicotine Dependence Chart VRL

    Over 30% of the world's population uses tobacco products, and 90% of that is from cigarettes. The anatomy of nicotine effects the diseases it can cause, including cancer, are detailed on this anatomical poster. For such a wide spread practice education is important and this anatomy poster can help do that.
    57.773B000 Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - Osteoporosis Chart VRL

    This colorful anatomical chart displays both the gross and microanatomy of bones effected by osteoporosis as well as the gross anatomy. The causes, prevention, and treatment of osteoporosis as well as other useful information are included on this anatomy poster.
    57.33B0000 Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - Parkinson's Disease Chart VRL

    Parkinson's Disease is a life changing condition. This anatomical chart presents useful information about it. Clinical signs, therapy, causes and other information about Parkinson's disease can all be found on this anatomy poster. Included is a colorful diagram of the biochemistry of the disease.
    57.643B000 Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - Pneumonia Chart VRL

    Pneumonia can be a very serious disease, especially if it goes untreated. This colorful anatomical chart includes radiographs of infected lungs.
    57.263B000 Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - Pregnancy Chart VRL

    This colorful anatomical chart displays human pregnancy. The anatomy of pregnancy is illustrated along with useful information. The anatomy poster presents different types of information about pregnancy from fetal development to pregnancy hormones.
    57.523B000 Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - Shoulder and Elbow Chart VRL

    With bright colors and accurate anatomical drawings this poster presents a detailed anatomy of the shoulder and elbow. This anatomical chart presents useful information about the shoulder and elbow.
    57.83B0000 Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - Skin Cancer Chart VRL

    This colorful anatomical skin chart details the anatomy and pathology of skin cancer. The anatomical chart covers the causes, stages and anatomy of skin cancer. Ways to protect your skin from the sun for skin cancer prevention are also detailed on this anatomical skin cancer poster.
    57.243B000 Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - Spinal Column Chart VRL

    The anatomy of the human spine is illustrated beautifully in this informative poster. The spinal column is depicted in detail on this chart. Common pathologies are outlined on the chart including osteoporosis, scoliosis, and disc herniation.
    57.73B0000 Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - Spinal Nerves Chart VRL

    This colorful anatomical poster focuses on the spinal nerves of the human nervous system. All the important spinal nerves and nerve sections are detailed in the poster.
    57.603B000 Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - Spinal Nerves Chart VRL

    This colorful anatomical poster focuses on the spinal nerves of the human nervous system. All the important spinal nerves and nerve sections are detailed in the poster.
    57.603B000PAP Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - Sports Injuries Chart VRL

    This colorful anatomical chart displays several injuries common to sports. The anatomy of the injuries are shown and useful information is presented on this quality anatomy poster.
    57.143B000 Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - The Female Genital Organs Chart VRL

    This colorful anatomical chart details the anatomy of the female genital organs. The important anatomical structures are pictured and labeled on this chart. The microanatomy of the ovaries and other areas of the female genital organs are also displayed in this poster. Some methods of contraception are detailed on the chart as well.
    57.503B000 Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - The human heart Chart - Anatomy and Physiology VRL

    The anatomy and physiology of the human heart is colorfully and accurately depicted in this anatomical chart. This poster is a great teaching aid for lessons on the human heart and the human circulatory system.
    57.293B000 Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - The Larynx Chart VRL

    The human larynx is displayed in full color and anatomical detail on this chart. The anatomy of the larynx along with structure, function, and some diseases of the larynx are covered in this poster.
    57.183B000 Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - The Prostate Gland Chart VRL

    This colorful anatomical chart illustrates the human prostate gland in full detail. The detailed anatomy illustration is accompanied by important information relating to the prostate gland including the effects of hormones and the shape and position of the gland.
    57.493B000 Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - The Respiratory System Chart VRL

    This colorful anatomical chart details the human respiratory system. Every important part of respiratory anatomy is pictured and labeled in this poster including the respiratory musculature, the bronchial tree, and the lungs.
    57.253B000 Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - The Skin Chart VRL

    The anatomical detail of the skin is depicted in full color on this anatomical poster. The anatomy of the human skin, including all skin layers, as well as some common skin pathologies are displayed. This skin poster is a great addition to any classroom or doctor's office and is a useful tool for patient education.
    57.233B000 Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - The Teeth Chart VRL

    This anatomical chart shows the anatomy of the human teeth in detail. In addition to the anatomy of the teeth the poster also presents information about some common dental diseases.
    57.223B000 Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - The Urinary Tract - Anatomy and Physiology VRL

    The anatomy of physiology of the human urinary tract is illustrated on this colorful anatomical chart. The microanatomy of the renal corpuscle, cortex and medulla are included in this poster. The anatomy chart includes other useful information about the urinary tract system, making it a great educational tool!
    57.473B000 Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - The Vegetative Nervous System Chart VRL

    This colorful anatomical chart details the human vegetative nervous system. Not only is the function of this part of the nervous system explained on this poster but the role the vegetative nervous system plays in the function of each organ is detailed. This vegetative nervous system chart is a must for any classroom or doctor's office.
    57.573B000 Ga naar bestelpagina

    3B - Whiplash injuries Chart VRL

    Whiplash and other acceleration spinal injuries are described in this colorful poster. The anatomy of injury to the spine as well as symptoms and treatment for injury are presented in this anatomical poster.
    57.743B000 Ga naar bestelpagina

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