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combinatiesets welch allyn

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Diagnose sets combinatiesets ophtalmoscoop otoscoop

Welch Allyn

PanOptic Lithium ion diagnose set innovatief !!!!! in harde etui

  • Eenvoudige introductie in smalle pupillen
  • Fundusbeeld 5 x groter dan met standaard ophtalmoscoop
  • Fiber otoscoop.
11810 11735 11720 11710
opthalmoscoop welch allyn opthalmoscoop welch allyn opthalmoscoop opthalmoscoop
20000 25020 21111 13000
3.5v Diagnostic Otoscope/Throat Illuminator with Specula (Head Only) 3.5v Diagnostic Otoscope with Specula (Head Only) PocketScopeâ„¢ Otoscope (Head Only) oftalmoscoop

Prestige Diagnose kit

WA-97202-MVS macroview
  • Macroview otoscoop met keelverlichting
  • Ophtalmoscoop Coaxial 11720
  • handvat Lithium Ion

Diagnose kit prestige Panoptic Lithium Ion

WA-97202-MVPS welch allyn
  • Ophtalmoscoop Pan optic
  • Otoscoop Macroview
  • Lithium Ion batterij

2,5V Elite alkaline Pocketscope met Ophtalmoscoop.

WA-92821 PocketScope Twee AA batterijhandvatten
  • Otoscoop N°21111
  • Ophtalmoscoop N°13000
  • Zachte etui.
WA-92821 WA DS set otoscoop opthalmoscoop 2 AA batterijhandvatten p/stuk   0,12545,33EUR

2,5V Compac set diagnose set in zachte etui.

WA-92000 othalmoscoop welch allynOtoscoop Diagnose set

  • 1 handvat 2,5 alkaline
  • 1 Pocketscope Ophtalmoscoop kop 2,5 V N°1300
  •  Otoscoopkop 2,5 V N° 21111
  • 2 AA batterijen
  • 2,5 V halogeenlamp 03400 U 2.5v Halogen Lamp
  • 2,5 V halogeenlamp 03900 U 03900 u

2.5V PocketScopeâ„¢ Sets

  • Een AA batterijhandvat 72831
  • Otoscoop 21131
  • Ophtalmoscoop 1300
  • Zachte etui.


welch allyn

Verschillende combinaties Prijzen op aanvraag

Diagnostic Sets (*) Complete with transformer

Name Code Ophthalmoscope Otoscope Power Source Carrying Case
PanOptic Prestige Lithium Ion Diagnostic Set EU 97202-MVPS PanOptic Ophthalmoscope 11820-CE MacroView with throat illuminator 23820 Lithium Ion Rechargeable Smart Handle  Hard Case 05258-M
Prestige Diagnostic Set EU 97202-MVS 3.5v. Coaxial 11720 MacroView with throat illuminator 23820 Lithium Ion Rechargeable Smart Handle  Hard Case 05259-M
Prestige Diagnostic Set with C-cell handle 97200-MBI 3.5v. Coaxial 11720 MacroView with throat illuminator 23820 C-Cell Battery Handle 71020-B Hard Case 05259-M
Prestige Diagnostic Set with C-cell handle (no throat illuminator) 97250-MBI 3.5v. Coaxial 11720 MacroView 23810 C-Cell Battery Handle  71020-B Hard Case 05259-M
Elite Diagnostic Set 97302-VSM 3.5v. Coaxial AutoStep 11735 3.5.v HPX with Illuminator 20000 Lithium Ion Rechargeable Smart Handle  Hard Case 05259-M
Hospital Elite Diagnostic Set EU 97202-VSM 3.5v. Coaxial 11720 3.5v. HPX with Illuminator 20000 Lithium Ion Rechargeable Smart Handle  Hard Case 05259-M
Hospital Classic Diagnostic Set EU 97202-VC 3.5v. Coaxial 11720 3.5v. HPX with Illuminator 20000 NiCad Rechargeable/Convertible Handle  Hard Case 05259-M
Hospital Standard Diagnostic Set 97200-BI 3.5v. Coaxial 11720 3.5v. HPX with Illuminator 20000 C-Cell Battery Handle 71020-B Hard Case 05259-M
Professional Plus Diagnostic Set 97250-BI 3.5v. Coaxial 11720 3.5v. Halogen 25020 C-Cell Battery Handle 71020-B Hard Case 05259-M
Professional Diagnostic Set 97150-BI 3.5v. Coaxial 11720 3.5v. Halogen 25020 C-Cell Battery Handle 71020-B Hard Case 05259-M
Elite Pocket Diagnostic Set   Alkaline 92821 PocketScope Ophthalmoscope 13000 PocketScope Otoscope 21111 Two PocketScope AA Battery Handles w/Batteries 72830 Soft Case 05928-U
PocketScope Diagnostic Set 92831 PocketScope Ophthalmoscope 13000 PocketScope Otoscope 21131 Battery Handle 72831 Soft Case 05928-U
CompacSet Set Portable Diagnostic Set Alkaline 92000 CompacSet 13000 CompacSet 21111 Integrated Folding Clamshell 2.5 Alkaline Batteries  
Klinic Diagnostic Set 99090 Klinic 19090 Klinic 29090 Integrated Power Handles Carrying Case 05991-U

Ophthalmoscope Sets (*) Complete with transformer

Name Code Ophthalmoscope Otoscope Power Source Carrying Case
PanOptic Lithium Ion Ophthalmoscope Set EUROPEAN 11812-VSM PanOptic Ophthalmoscope 11810-CE N/A Lithium Ion Rechargeable Smart Handle  Hard Case 05258-M
PanOptic Lithium Ion Ophthalmoscope Set  with Corneal Lens EUROPEAN 11822-VSM PanOptic Ophthalmoscope with Corneal Lens 11820-CE N/A Lithium Ion Rechargeable Smart Handle  Hard Case 05258-M
Elite Lithium Ion Ophthalmoscope Set EUROPEAN 11782-VSM 3.5v. Coaxial AutoStep 11735 N/A Lithium Ion Rechargeable Smart Handle  Hard Case 05259-M
Professional Lithium Ion Ophthalmoscope Set EUROPEAN 11772-VSM 3.5v. Coaxial 11720 N/A Lithium Ion Rechargeable Smart Handle  Hard Case 05259-M
Elite Ophthalmoscope Set EUROPEAN 11772-VC 3.5v. Coaxial 11720 N/A Rechargeable/Convertible Handle  Hard Case 05259-M
Professional Ophthalmoscope Set 11750-VBI 3.5v. Coaxial Halogen 11710 N/A C-Cell Battery Handle 71020-B Hard Case 05259-M
Pocket Ophthalmoscope Set Alkaline 12821 PocketScope Ophthalmoscope 13000 N/A One PocketScope AA Battery Handle 72830 Soft Case 05928-U
Klinic Ophthalmoscope Set 19190 Klinic 19090 N/A Integrated Power Handle Carrying Case 05191-U

Otoscope Sets(*) Complete with transformer

Name Code Ophthalmoscope Otoscope Power Source Carrying Case
Prestige Otoscope Set  EU 25272-MS N/A MacroView with throat illuminator 23820 Lithium Ion Rechargeable Smart Handle  05259-M
Prestige Otoscope Set with C-Cell Handle 25090-MBI N/A MacroView 23810 C-Cell Battery Handle No. 71020-B 05259-M
Elite Lithium Ion Otoscope Set EU 25282-VSM N/A 3.5v. HPX with Illuminator 20000 Lithium Ion Rechargeable Smart Handle   Hard Case 05259-M
Elite Otoscope Set EU 25282-C N/A 3.5v. HPX with Illuminator 20000 Ni Cad Rechargeable/Convertible Handle  Hard Case 05259-M
Professional Otoscope Set 25090-BI N/A 2.8v. Halogen C-Cell Battery Handle 71020-B Hard Case 05259-M
Elite Pocket Otoscope Set 22821 N/A PocketScope Otoscope W/Throat Illuminator 21111 One PocketScope AA Battery Handle w/Batteries 72830 Soft Case 05928-U
Professional Pocket Otoscope Set 22861 N/A PocketScope Otoscope 21131 One Battery Handle 72831 Soft Case 05928-U
Klinic Otoscope Set 29092 N/A Klinic 29090 Integrated Power Handle Carrying Case 05290-U

Ophthalmic Sets(*) Complete with transformer

Name Code Ophthalmoscope Retinoscope Power Source Carrying Case
PanOptic Lithium Ion Ophthalmic Set EU 18322-VPSM PanOptic Ophthalmoscope with Corneal Lens 11820-CE Elite Retinoscope 18245 Lithium Ion Rechargeable Smart Handle  Hard Case 05828-U
Elite Lithium Ion Ophthalmic Set EU 18532-VSM 3.5v. Coaxial AutoStep 11735 Elite Retinoscope 18245 Lithium Ion Rechargeable Smart Handle  Hard Case 05829-U
Professional Lithium Ion Ophthalmic Set EU 18322-VSM 3.5v Coaxial 11720 Elite Retinoscope 18245 Lithium Ion Rechargeable Smart Handle  Hard Case 05829-U
Elite Ophthalmic Set EU 18322-VC 3.5v Coaxial 11720 Elite Retinoscope 18245 NiCad Rechargeable /Convertible Handle   Hard Case 05829-U
Professional Ophthalmic Set 18310-BI 3.5v. Halogen 11710 Elite Retinoscope 18245 C-Cell Battery Handle 71020-B Hard Case 05829-U

Retinoscope Sets(*) Complete with transformer

Name Code Ophthalmoscope Retinoscope Power Source Carrying Case
Elite Lithium Ion Retinoscope Set EUROPEAN 18232-VSM N/A Elite Retinoscope 18245 Lithium Ion Rechargeable Smart Handle  Hard Case 05829-U
Elite Retinoscope Set  EUROPEAN 18342-VC N/A Elite Retinoscope 18245 Rechargeable/Convertible Handle  Hard Case 05829-U
Professional Retinoscope Set  18210-BI N/A Elite Retinoscope 18245 C-Cell Battery Handle 71020-B Hard Case 05829-U
Pocket Retinoscope Set    16220-S N/A Pocket Retinoscope 16210 One Pocket AA Battery Handle 72830 Soft Case 05928-U

Wall Diagnostic Systems(*) Complete with transformer

Name Code Ophthalmoscope Otoscope Power Source Carrying Case
Elite Wall Set  EU 76742 3.5v Coaxial 11720 3.5v  HPX 25020 3.5v Wall Transformer   N/A
Professional Wall Set EU 76742-1 3.5v. Halogen 11710 3.5v  HPX 25020 3.5v Wall Transformer   N/A
MOBILE STAND FOR WA 76710 7670-12 N/A N/A N/A N/A
PANOP PRES WALL SET EU 76710-82M2 PanOptic Ophthalmoscope 11820-CE PanOptic Ophthalmoscope 11820-CE 76712 N/A

Desk Diagnostic Systems(*) Complete with transformer

Name Code Ophthalmoscope Otoscope Power Source Carrying Case
PanOptic Prestige Desk Set EU 71812-MPS PanOptic Ophthalmoscope 11810-CE MacroView 23810 3.5v Desk Charger with two Lithium Ion Handles  N/A
Prestige Lithium Ion Desk Set EU 71822-MS 3.5 Coaxial 11720 MacroView with throat illuminator 23820 3.5v Desk Charger with two Lithium Ion Handles   N/A
Elite Lithium Ion Desk Diagnostic System EU 71822-SM 3.5 Coaxial 11720 3.5v. HPX with Illuminator 20000 3.5v Desk Charger with two Lithium Ion Handles N/A
Professional Desk Diagnostic System EU 71742 3.5 Coaxial 11720 3.5v  HPX 25020 3.5v. Desk Charger with two Ni Cad handles N/A

Desk Ophthalmic Systems(*) Complete with transformer

Name Code Ophthalmoscope Retinoscope Power Source Carrying Case
Specialist Ophthalmic Desk Set  European 71842-SM 3.5v. Coaxial AutoStep 11735 Elite Retinoscope 18245 3.5v Desk Charger with two Lithium Ion Handles  N/A

NB All retinoscopes are configured to "Streak" style, but can be reconfigured to "Spot" thro' simple lamp change

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